Artwork by Linda Wallen
Ma Noah
Exquisitely Written by Playwright and Producing Artistic
Director, Mark Clayton Southers
at the Pittsburgh Playwright’s Theater Company
Might as well buy 2 least.
It ain’t no gospel play but God is clearly present in the
concoction of this award winning work of art. My my my! ….I dare you buy two
$20 tickets online now!! Consider it offering! Its the least you can give to applaud
such unique talent! And Bring people too! Written by a genius, led by one of
the best actors in the city/nation, and supported by a professional cast of
fine, talented, black actors, Ma Noah is worth seeing twice.
I was almost embarrassed at the moments I coughed up an
unexpected cackle of laughter disclosing my own personal experiences that ran
parallel with the play. I also never cried so passionately during a blackout
Just like Chrystal Bates did tonight, I let it all hang out!
The audience was pierced with the heart gripping words spoken in this play, of
America’s sick indoctrination over centuries. Mark even took it back to Ancient
Rome with the educational jabs. Production Manager Eric A. Smith put in work
with the crew to make this masterpiece a Pittsburgh Classic. He was aided by
Stage Manager David Scott and his Stage Managing Assistant LaMont
Robinson. I just nodded my head and
nodded my head some more at every line spoken. Then I shook my heeaaaadddd…..and
shook my head some more as I watched this passionate black mother teach her
children lessons about love, life, and forgiveness. Only a screwed up twisted, radical,
revolutionary, raw, individual like Mark Clayton Southers could have conjured up this play.
Cheryl Bates-White opened the first act in an awesome
imaginative portrayal of an insecure unwed pregnant woman; Mary Pratt.
Confused, hungry, and guilty she made believers out of all of us. Just watch
her flawless facial expressions! I took my glasses off during that ONE scene!
Girl! You got me! Now, I’m a mime so I’m all up in her grill! So proud to know
her augh!
Let’s see, I first met DeVaughn Robinson as my director last
year, and I’ve watched major development of this character tonight. As Larry
Pratt where he owned every line and monologue the script asked of him. He had
us howling at his delivery. I couldn’t help it! So, so, happily surprised. I
just keep shaking my head at how he gave “whitey” a piece of his mind, time
after time! Relentless! Yes!
His character brother Ham ‘Pig’ Pratt, played by Trevor
Butler, had the same sentiments in a twisted way. Speaking of twisting, the intricate physical
work of Fight Choreographer, Joseph Martinez, was raw. You’ll just have to see
what I mean. Oh, and excuse me for saying so, but Trevor was sure looking fly,
fly, and more fly every time he walked through that door! And by his last
emotional encounter with his mother, I was convinced he was a substantial
multifaceted part of this perfect cast.
Now, I’m a poet… so I snap!….so WHAT ya’ll heard me
backstage! Lol I couldn’t help it! I just didn’t want to be “rude” by
hollering! There were times the whole audience should have been HOWLING! It’s
okay Pittsburgh!!! Let it OUT!!! This was a phenomenal show!
The costumes designed by Cheryl El-Walker were so apropos.
They were each apart of the storytelling!
The stage make up was so timely and subtle. The set was breathtaking the
moment you walk in. This was achieved with the help of Diane Melchitzky and
lighted warmly by the vision of Thurston Reyes and Light Technician, W. Roger
Randolph. I saw how important the Crew Chief’s role was in the production, run
by Mont Jones. Every detail of mama’s house was included along with some
details that you couldn't even fathom; no matter how hard you tried to remember
your own mama’s house. Awesome job rounding those details up, Properties
Master, David Conley and others. It even sounded like Mama’s records if she
could have it her way with the help of Mark Whitehead on Sound Design and
Vendell Nasir II as Sound Technician.
Heaven came to earth when Heaven Bobo graced the stage as
Francine Pratt. Now, in one of his HBO specials, Jamie Foxx described a giraffe
in the most exquisite, feminine, and regal way and this was Heaven. She had me
hooked immediately and kept all of our attention. Professional and accurate!
She was really a stand out. Her seasoned theater experience was evident from
the door.
Every time I watch Chrystal Bates on stage, the woman inside
me thinks a little bigger than she did the day before. Her interpretation of
Rebecca Pratt was timely, and gut wrenchingly honest. What she truly sacrificed
to deliver this story on stage, no ticket can pay for adequately. Women can
receive essential life lessons and personal reminders by watching this role.
She put me in front of a mirror tonight which is the healing that each of us
needs from true art. Thank you.
Director, Tracey Turner, must be a shrewd woman. I've never
gotten to work with her but her creative choices made me drool like steaming
plates does... on the fingertips of a server from alllll they way across the
restaurant. I hope that moment draws nearer to me sooner than later! I can tell
she keenly picked up on the wide range of capabilities of her talented cast and
that kind of ear and eye is so valuable in this world of theater. She was
brilliant and shrewd. Yes. Look it up…that’s the word.
Sure I know that I may sounds like I’m blowing a lot of
steam and blowing these actors spots up. But whatever! You didn’t have to click
on the link to read this! But you did! Perhaps because you were there
tonight…perhaps because you weren't
Either way. I actually know a lot of the artists involved on a prior
professional level, and I think they deserve a shout out. From me...Who am I?
I'm just Hotep. Granted, I’m still green here on the theater scene in
Pittsburgh, but I’m green and growing.
You may even think I should be jaded and lackluster about Pittsburgh
talent. But no. That’s not the cool
thing to do anymore. I was bubbling over with words and emotions concerning my
experience tonight, and I had to tell SOMEBODY my thoughts. And I told all of
you! …in one hour flat. Now, if anyone feels left out in my review of this
production, You gotta get in my radar! But I think I got all of you lovelies.
Lol …Nobody’s paying me to review this play…I just felt inspired to tell the
world. But! if you want me to come to your play, and give a heartfelt Hotep's
Point of Review, let me know. I’m sure something can be arranged. This is Hotep the Artist reporting live
immediately after the show ( and after a late phone call with Artistic
Associate Kim El she had to take a call so this is what I do in the mean
time!). I'm typing to you on a Word Document from Pittsburgh’s North Side.
Thank you for listening/reading/performing/arting/living.
Might as well buy 2 least.
Follow Me! Friend Me! Watch Me! Book Me! Hug Me!
on YouTube Hotep the Artist

Universal Mime Artist, Spoken Word Artist, Face Paint Artist, Actress and Hostess.
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
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